Exams FAQ

Exams FAQ

What is COI Examinations Department?

This is a department established by the College of Insurance to manage all insurance examinations offered in Kenya and the East African region.

These examinations are:

  • Diploma in Insurance at both Associate and Fellowship levels
  • Certificate of Proficiency in Insurance (COP)
  • Certificate Course in Insurance (CCI)

Can one pay fees through the COI bank account?

Yes, payment can be made in form of bankers cheque or through our bank account as indicated below:

ACCOUNT NO: 1103962531

Upon payment of the requisite fee to the bank, the deposit slip together with the completed registration/examination entry/ exemption/ annual registration renewal should be submitted to COI.

Is it possible for COI to post the forms for registration, student identity card, registration renewal, examination entry and exemption to a student or a prospective student?
Yes on request. The forms are also available on the homepage of COI website www.coi.ac.ke/exams.

What are the fees charged for COP?

The fees and other charges for COP is shown below:

Annual Registration Fees Ksh 2,000

Normal Examination Entry (per paper): Ksh 3,000

Late Entry Fees

These shall be 50% above the applicable normal entry fees

Exemption Fees for COP : Ksh 5,000

Which institutions offer training in COI examinations?

College of Insurance.

What documents should candidates produce in the examination room?

Admission permit
National Identity card / Passport.
Birth certificate in special cases.

Can one send somebody else to collect a certificate for him/her?

In view of the sensitivity of certificates, candidates are required to collect their certificates in person. However, a certificate may be posted to a candidate on request through registered mail using the address provided by the candidate upon fulfilling the conditions specified in the letter advising candidates that certificates are ready for collection.

Does COI give copies of certificates?

COI does not issue copies of certificates but provides a confirmation letter of the candidates pass history on request.

A certified copy of the result slip can be issued upon payment of a fee of Ksh 500. A sworn affidavit stating the circumstances of the loss is however required .

What is the time range when one wants to change an examination centre?

Requests for change of examination centres should be submitted at least two months before the examination dates. However, special consideration may be given to late requests on a case by case basis.

Can a student sit for COI examinations outside Kenya?

Yes, a student can sit for the COP exams in Kampala, Uganda.

What are COI Exam Department operating hours?

Weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Where is COI located?

We are located at the college of Insurance, Off Nairobi – Mombasa Rd, Belle-vue exit at South ‘C’ Nairobi. We have a branch in Mombasa, 3rd Floor, Petro Building, Moi Avenue.
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