Mediation in Insurance Disputes

Mediation in Insurance Disputes

VENUE: Nairobi


Conflict is a pervasive and inevitable feature of the social systems including the international systems, conflict can lead to mutual satisfaction and growth or acrimony. Mediation is an important and highly appreciated form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in many countries. It is an informal and private process where disputes are resolved by an independent and impartial mediator. The process of mediation is a fast, flexible and less expensive alternative to litigation. In Kenya, there have been calls for the introduction of alternative methods of dispute resolution as a viable and acceptable option to litigation caused by delays in cases brought for resolution through the courts. Introduction of mediation will aid the Judiciary in reducing backlog of cases filed in court, cut time taken to settle disputes and also free judges from taking longer periods to write judgments. The Rules of Procedure for Mediation and Arbitration have been gazette. Warring factions are required under the rules to disclose any efforts made to seek mediation before moving to court and where a party hardly sought such services or is found to have lied, then the suit will be struck out. Insurance disputes are civil in nature and are not exempted from the rules. Insurers require knowledge in this area.


  • Understand the various forms of dispute resolution
  • Appreciate the importance of Alternative Dispute resolution forms
  • Understand the litigation process and its shortcomings
  • Understand the procedures and requirements in the mediation process
  • Know the regulatory environment of mediation as a form of resolving disputes
  • Manage costs within the claims environment
  • Appreciate dispute resolution ways in other jurisdictions


  • Nature of disputes that arise in insurance
  • Dispute Resolution Methods available
  • Merits and demerits of each form
  • Regulatory environment of mediation
  • Cost management in dispute resolution
  • Case studies in other jurisdictions


  • Personnel in the legal section of insurance companies
  • Executives and managers working in Claims Department in insurance companies and brokerage firms
  • Senior officers in underwriting and reinsurance areas


Cost: 30,000.00


How to apply

All candidates must follow the application steps where they provide their details and select units. An invoice will be sent to the email address of the applicant with payment instructions.

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